
A warm welcome to my homepage. I, Debanjan Polley, am an experimental condensed matter physicist. Recently, I have joined SRM Institute of Science and Technology as a Research Assistant Professor, starting from May, 2023 in the Department of Physics and Nanotechnology. Previously, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Jeffrey Bokor (at LBNL and UC Berkeley) and in the group of Dr. Stefano Bonetti's Lab (at Stockholm University). I received my Ph.D. from S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata (University of Calcutta) in 2017.
Recent News
1. Recent Paper published: “Picosecond spin-orbit torque–induced coherent magnetization switching in a ferromagnet”, D. Polley, A. Pattabi, A. Rastogi, K. Jhuria, E. Diaz, H. Singh, A. Lemaitre, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon and J. Bokor; Science Advances 9, eadh5562 (2023).
2. Recent paper published: "Combining femtosecond laser annealing and shallow ion implantation for local color center creation in diamond", J. Engel, K. Jhuria, D. Polley, T. Luhmann, M. Kuhrke, W. Liu, J. Bokor, T. Schenkel, and R. Wunderlich; Applied Physics Letters 122, 234002 (2023).
3. Currently working on "Micromagnetic simulations of current-induced magnetization switching in picosecond timescales"