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Journal Publication

20. Picosecond spin-orbit torque–induced coherent magnetization switching in a ferromagnet”,  D. Polley, A. Pattabi, A. Rastogi, K. Jhuria, E. Diaz, H. Singh, A. Lemaitre, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon and J. Bokor; Science Advances 9, eadh5562 (2023).

19. "Single-shot switching in Tb/Co-multilayer based nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions" S. Mondal, D. Polley, A. Pattabi, J. Chatterjee, D. Salomoni, L. Aviles-Felix, A. Olivier, M. Rubio-Roy, B. Dieny, L. D. B. Prejbeanu, R. Sousa, I. L. Prejbeanu and J. Bokor. JMMM 581, 170960 (2023).

18.  "Analysis of Ultrafast Magnetization Switching in Exchange Coupled Ferromagnets" D. Polley, J. Chatterjee, H. Jang and J. Bokor. JMMM 574, 170680 (2023).


17.  "Combining femtosecond laser annealing and shallow ion implantation for local color center creation in diamond" J. Engel, K. Jhuria, D. Polley, T. Lühmann, M. Kuhrke, W. Liu, J. Bokor, T. Schenkel, R. Wunderlich; Applied Physics Letters 122, 234002 (2023).

​16. Megahertz-rate Ultrafast X-ray Scattering and Holographic Imaging at the European XFEL N. Z. Hagström et al., Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 1454 (2022).

15. "Accelerated Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics at Graphene/CoGd Interfaces with Different Number of Graphene Layers"  S. Mondal, C. Lin, D. Polley,  C. Su,  A. Zettle, S. Salahuddin & J. Bokor;  ACS Nano 16, 9620 (2022).

14. Progress toward picosecond on-chip magnetic memory D. Polley, A. Pattabi, J. Chatterjee, S. Mondal, K. Jhuria, H. Singh, J. Gorchon and J. Bokor; Applied Physics Letters 120, 140501 (2022) [selected as an editorial pick]

13. RKKY Exchange Bias Mediated Ultrafast All‐Optical Switching of a Ferromagnet J. Chatterjee, D. Polley, A. Pattabi, H. Jang, S. Salahuddin, and J. Bokor; Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2107490 (2022).

12. ''Inertial spin dynamics in ferromagnets'' K. Neeraj, N. Awari, S. Kovalev, D. Polley, N. Zhou Hagström, S. S. P. K. Arekapudi, A. Semisalova, K. Lenz, B. Green, J. -C. Deinert, I. Ilyakov, Min Chen, M. Bawatna, V. Scalera, M. d’Aquino, C. Serpico, O. Hellwig, J. -E. Wegrowe, M. Gensch & S. Bonetti; Nature Physics 17, 245 (2020).

11. ''Terahertz magnetic field enhancement in an asymmetric spiral metamaterial" D. Polley, N. Zhöu Hagström, C. von Kroff Schmising, S. Eisebitt, and S. Bonetti; Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 51, 224001 (2018).​

10.  THz-driven demagnetization with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy: towards ultrafast ballistic switching D. Polley, M. Pancaldi, M. Hudl, P. Vavassorri, S. Urazhdin, and S. Bonetti; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics  51, 084001 (2018). 

9.  Efficient Terahertz Anti-Reflection Properties of Metallic Anti-Dot Structures K. Neeraj, S. Choudhury, D. Polley, R. Acharya, J. Sinha, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra; Optics Letters 42, 1764 (2017). 

8. Terahertz Conductivity Engineering in Surface Decorated Carbon Nanotube Films by Gold Nanoparticles D.Polley, A. Patra, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra; Applied Optics 56, 1107 (2017). 

7. Diameter Dependent Shielding Effectiveness and Terahertz Conductivity of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes D. Polley, K. Neeraj, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra; JOSA B 33, 2430 (2016).

6. Ultrafast Dynamics and THz Oscillation in [Co/Pd]8 Multilayers S. Pal, D. Polley, R. K. Mitra, and A. Barman; Solid State Communication 221, 50 (2015).

5. Controllable terahertz conductivity in single-walled carbon nanotube/polymer composites D. Polley, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra; Journal of Applied Physics 117, 023115 (2015).

4. EMI shielding and conductivity of carbon nanotube-polymer composites at terahertz frequency D. Polley, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra; Optics Letters 39, 1541 (2014).

3. Dielectric relaxation of the extended hydration sheathe of DNA in the THz frequency region D. Polley, A. Patra, and R. K. Mitra; Chemical Physics Letters 586, 143 (2013).

2. Polarizing effect of aligned nanoparticles in terahertz frequency region D. Polley, A. Ganguly, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra; Optics Letters 38, 2754 (2013).

1. Magnetization reversal dynamics in Co nanowires with competing magnetic anisotropies S. Pal, S. Saha, D. Polley, and A. Barman; Solid State Communications 151, 1994 (2011).

Conference Talks and Posters

24. Invited talk on “Ultrafast Magnetization Switching in Ferro and Ferrimagnets”, D. Polley APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 5th-10th March 2023.

23. A contributed talk on “Spin-Orbit Torque Induced Coherent Ultrafast Magnetization Switching in a Ferromagnet”, D. Polley, A. Pattabi, A. Rastogi, K. Jhuria, E. Diaz, A. Lemaitre, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon and J. Bokor, MMM2022, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 31st October-4th November 2022.

22. A contributed poster presentation on “Spin-Orbit Torque Induced Ultrafast Magnetization Switching in a Ferromagnet”, D. Polley, A. Pattabi, A. Rastogi, K. Jhuria, E. Diaz, A. Lemaitre, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon and J. Bokor, LAM Tech Symposium 2022, UC Berkeley, CA, USA, 6-7 October 2022.

21. A contributed poster presentation on “Spin-Orbit Torque Induced Ultrafast Magnetization Switching in a Ferromagnet”, D. Polley, A. Pattabi, A. Rastogi, K. Jhuria, E. Diaz, A. Lemaitre, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon and J. Bokor, ASCENT Annual Review Meeting, Norte Dame, IN, USA, 16-18 August 2022.

20. A contributed talk on “RKKY exchange coupling mediated ultrafast all-optical switching of a ferromagnet”, D. Polley, J. Chatterjee, A. Pattabi, H. Jang, S. Salahuddin and J. Bokor, MMM2021, New Orlens, USA, 10-14 January 2022 (online).

19. A contributed talk on ''A Simulation Study of RKKY exchange mediated ultrafast all-optical switching of GdCo/[Co/Pt] heterostructures'', D. Polley, MMM 2020, Florida, USA (Virtual Conference), 2-6th November, 2020.

18. A contributed talk on ''THz induced demagnetization in CoPt and CoNi multilayers'', D. Polley, MMM 2019, Las Vegas, USA, 4th January-8th November, 2019.

17. A contributed talk on ''THz induced demagnetization in CoPt and CoNi multilayers'', D. Polley, UMC 2019, York, UK, 14th January-17th October, 2019.

16. An invited talk on ''Magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic metallic thin films driven by broad and narrow-band THz radiation'', D. Polley, TLEBE Workshop, Dresden, Germany, May 13-15, 2019. 

15. A contributed talk on ''THz induced demagnetization in CoPt and CoNi multilayers'', D. Polley, MAGNET 2019, Sicily, Italy, 30th January-1st February, 2019.

14. A contributed talk on “THz induced demagnetization in CoPt film: towards ultrafast switching“, D. Polley, JEMS2018, Mainz, Germany, 3-7 September, 2018.

13. A contributed talk on “Terahertz induced demagnetization in CoPt films; a route towards ultrafast ballistic magnetization reversal“, D. Polley, M. Pancaldi, M. Hudl, P. Vavassorri, S. Urazhdin and S. Bonetti, MMM2017, Pittsburgh, USA, 6-10 November, 2017.

12. A poster and a talk on “THz driven demagnetization in CoPt film; a route towards ultrafast ballistic switching“, D. Polley, M. Hudl, D. Polley, M. Pancaldi, M. Hudl, P. Vavassorri, S. Urazhdin and S. Bonetti, GRS and GRC on Spin Dynamics of Nanostructures, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 16-21 July, 2017.

11. A poster on “Terahertz Conductivity and Shielding Effectiveness of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites“, K. Neeraj, D. Polley, A. Barman and R. K. Mitra, UFS-2015, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, 18-21 November, 2015. (Presented by Kumar Neeraj; Awarded for Best Poster)

10. A poster on “Controlling Terahertz Conductivity in SWNT/Polymer Composites“, R. K. Mitra, D. Polley, A. Barman and , IRMMW_THz 2015, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong-Kong, 23-28 August, 2015. (Presented by Dr. Rajib Kumar Mitra)

9. A talk on “Modifying Terahertz Radiation Using Carbon Nanotubes“, D. Polley, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra, Bose Fest 2015, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, 2015.

8. A poster presentation on “Fabrication and Characterization of 2-D Magnetic Antidot Arrays for Application in Magnonic Crystals“, N. Porwal, D. Polley, S. Pal, P. Laha, A. Barman, and P. K. Datta, Photonics 2014, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, 13-16 Dec. 2014. (Presented by Nikita Porwal)

7. A poster presentation on “Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in [Co/Pd]8 Multilayers“, D. Polley, S. Pal, and A. Barman, Theme Meeting on Ultrafast Science 2014, Manipal University, Manipal, 30 October-1 November 2014.

6. A talk on “Modulating Conductivity of Au/CNT composites in THz Frequency Range: A THz Resistor“, D. Polley, A. Patra, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra, IRMMW_THz 2014, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, 14-19 Sep. 2014.

5. Poster presentation on “Tunable Conductivity of Au/CNT Composites in THz Frequency Range“, D. Polley, A. Patra, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra, ICONSAT 2014, Punjab University, organized byINST, Chandigarh, 3-5 March 2014.

4. Talk on “Terahertz Polarizer using Aligned Nanoparticles“, D. Polley, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra, Bose Fest 2014, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, 27 Feb.-1 Mar. 2014. (Awarded for Best Talk)

3. Poster presentation on “THz Shielding Efficiency of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Film“, D. Polley, A. Barman, and R. K. Mitra, IUMRS-ICA 2013, IISC, Bangalore, 16-20 Dec. 2013. (Awarded for Best Poster)

2. Poster presentation on “Coherent Control of Magnetization Dynamics in Nanowires via Pulse shaping“, D. Polley, S. Pal and A. Barman, Bose Fest 2013, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, 1-2 Mar. 2013.

1. Poster presentation on “Terahertz Emission from [Co/Pd]8  Multilayers Associated with Laser Induced Ultrafast Demagnetization“, D. Polley, S. Pal, O. Hellwig, R. K. Mitra, and A. Barman, Advanced and Functional Materials, SNBNCBS, Kolkata, 1-2 Mar. 2012.

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